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Harnesses have a bad rap—they’re generally not the prettiest accessory and often thought of as only needed if your pup realllllly pulls. But there are plenty of other purposes they can serve for different types of dogs. Find the ideal blend of functionality and fashion for your pup:
[Charlie’s Backyard Backpack](https://www.shopdogandco.com/accessories/charlies-backyard-charlies-bag-backpack-in-navy)
[Leerberg DT Harness](http://leerburg.com/1293.htm?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwtyg4su21gIVBVmGCh2PwQfqEAQYBCABEgIzJ_D_BwE)
[Moo and Twig Reversible Dog Harness](https://www.mooandtwig.com/collections/dog-harnesses/products/reversible-dog-harness-destructive-diva)
[Easy Walk® Harness](http://store.petsafe.net/easy-walk-harness?redirect=premier_redirect&page=dogs/products/behavior/easywalk/productdescription)
[Wildebeest Linden Dog Harness](https://www.wildebeest.co/collections/dog-harnesses/products/linden-harness-turquoise)
[Wolf Pack NYC Warrior Leather Dog Harness](http://www.wolfpacknyc.com/studded-leather-dog-harness/)
[Zee.Dog Buzz Mesh Plus Dog Harness](https://us.zee-dog.com/collections/dog-accessories/products/buzz-mesh-plus-dog-harness?variant=23410156545)
[Clean Run Perfect Fit Modular Fleece-Lined Harness System](https://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm/product/3933/perfect-fit-modular-fleece-lined-harness-systempart-1—girth-strap.htm)
[Fuzz Yard Go Nuts Dog Harness](https://fuzzyard.com/au/go-nuts-donuts-dog-harness.html)
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