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You may think you know the poodle—the only dog with as many consistent good hair days as Beyoncé—but there is more to this regal breed than their natural good posture and panache. Those who know poodles best can tell you that their beauty is more than skin deep. Just a few of the things that make these pups so lovable:
Poodle parents are continually amazed by their intelligence. They are particularly adept at learning complex tricks, like how to open the pantry door and retrieve your favorite coconut chips.
Originally bred as duck and water fowl hunters, poodles don’t mind making a big splash=. Their agility and long, lean legs make them not only great swimmers, but give them the Baywatch bod of dog breeds.
Those enviable corkscrew curls are a thing of wonder, but poodle parents never have to wonder if the couch is covered in them before company comes. This non-shedding breed is perfect for neat freaks and families with allergies.
Like most creatures with gorgeous hair, there’s a lot of behind-the-scenes upkeep. Regular grooming for poodles means shampoos and trims every 3 to 6 weeks, and regular brushing between. Toenail polish optional.
More than most breeds, poodles are truly a product of their training. Firm boundaries and consistency from the beginning will pay off in a big way, and inconsistency will result in a dog who sees the toilet paper roll as a reel of never-ending fun.
Just as happy in an apartment or big home as in the suburbs, the poodle’s only real requirement for everyday happiness is plenty of exercise. Whether it’s running, swimming or chasing a toss toy, poodles rely on regular cardio to keep trim and curb boredom.
Poodles are known for their weepy eyes, which makes them seem even more emotionally aware, but can also stain their hair. Keep alcohol-free pet wipes stocked for everyday use (and for whenever “Someone Like You” plays).
Give poodles time to warm up. They are naturally affectionate and playful with their families, but can give off a “You can’t sit with us” vibe to newcomers. Not to worry, it’s not snobbery, it’s loyalty to their family first.
Part of the dignified air of poodles is their ability to hold their tongue. Barking and yapping are rarely a problem with this breed, which makes them a favorite among neighbors and the delivery guy.
Don’t mistake their good manners and self-possession for independence. Poodles love their families and compose long melodramatic sonnets in their heads during time apart (or at least that’s what they look like on the doggie cam).
The Ollie blog is devoted to helping pet parents lead healthier lives with their pups. If you want to learn more about our fresh, human-grade food, check out MyOllie.com.
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